Table Service For Azurite


It was my intern project in Microsoft Shanghai. I was in the Azure Storgae Team in Microsoft Shanghai Office.

Testing cost for applications deployed in Azure Storage can be a huge budget for both internal and external developers. To cut down the expenses, many developers are calling for a local Azure Storage emulator. Previously we have Azure Storage Emulator, however it has many limitations. It is single-platform and also requires a lot of dependencies.

In order to solve current limitations, now we are working on the new emulator which is cross-platform and much easier to configure. Azurite is now the offical recommended local simulator for Azure Storage, which enables both internal developers and external consumers to test their codes locally. I am responsible for the table service part of Azurite. I designed the structure according to the real Azure Storage and simulated the low-level storage part with LokiJS, which is an open source in-memory database. What’s more, I also designed mechanisms to bulk process the data and solve consistency problems. This project has received more than 700 stars on GitHub by now.

Azurite Table Service Workflow

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