Yi Lyu


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I'm currently a CS graduate student in Computer Science Department in University of Wisconsin-Madison.

NEWS I will join Meta(Facebook) as SWE intern in 2022 summer :-)

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA Sep 2021 - May 2023

    Major in Computer Science (MSCS)

  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Sep 2017 - Jun 2021

    Major in Information Engineering (Bachelor)

Professional Experiences

  1. Creator Composer FeedInsight tool & Mitigate FB groupposting timeout May 2022 - Aug 2022
    Software Development Internship, Meta (Facebook)

    I create an internal tool to show the post with high engagement score posted on the selected date. The tool is created with GraphQL and React. Also, I modified the workflow of existing facebook app group cross posting logic to mitigate the timeout problem

  2. Log support for ByteDance's internal pod scheduler (Toutiao Cloud service) May 2022 - Aug 2022
    Software Development Internship, ByteDance

    I added extra log support to ByteDance’s internal scheduler based on K8S. Compared with previous design, the new version shows concise, fine-grained debug logs and also balance the time and space cost . It is now deployed on the internal scheduler on more than 10,000 nodes

  3. Table Service For Azure Storage Simulator, Azurite July 2020 - October 2020
    Software Development Internship, Microsoft

    Azurite is the offical recommended local simulator for Azure Storage , which enables both internal developers and external consumers to test their codes locally. I am responsible for the table service part of Azurite. I designed the structure according to the real Azure Storage and simulated the low-level storage part with LokiJS, which is an open source in-memory database. What’s more, I also designed mechanisms to bulk process the data and solve consistency problems. This project has received more than 700 stars on GitHub by now.

  4. Design a highly distributed data processing pipeline July 2019 - October 2019
    Software Development Intern, Google

    My task is to write a highly distributed pipeline to coordiate the data inconsistency in F1 Databases. I adopt FlumeJava as the main development framework and java as main developmemnt language. Finally I deployed it using Borg system and it is a daily run job in Google. It can process 1.4 billion Google account data within 20 minutes.

Selected Projects
  1. JOS Operating System [Code]

    Based on skeleton code provided by MIT 6.828, I implemented major parts of JOS in an exokernel style. It consists of booting, memory management, user-level environments and premptive multitasking. Also I have read the major source code of xv6 through the process.

  2. Graminsta [Code]

    This project is done during Google Software Product Sprint Program(SPS) in the summer of 2020. Together with other three students and a Google enginner as our advisor, we create an application following the design of Instagram. We adopt Flutter as frontend developement framework and django as backend development framework.

  3. KeyValue Store based on LSM tree [Code]

    I built a KeyValue store system based on LSM tree, according to the design of LevelDB. I added write-ahead-log for data durability. To further improve the efficiency, I used bloomfilter to speed up the process of looking up keyvalue in each SSTable.

Awards & Scholarships
  1. Zhiyuan College Honors Scholarship (CN ¥5000, Top5%) 2017 & 2018 & 2019
  2. Meritorious Winner, MCM/ICM (Problem A) 2018
Teaching Experience
  1. CS359: Computer Architecture 2019 Fall
    Teaching Assistant at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

I'm an amateur in singing / baking / playing badmintion / traveling.